Writing 70k words in 7 days — Day 6 Update

64,602 words written in 6 days

Gabriel Klingman
1 min readMar 12, 2024

12,953 words written today. 8 hours. 11 articles. 64,602 words total.

64,602 words in 6 days

I’ve 3x my coffee intake since starting this insane challenge lol

Clarity of mind before I start writing has become crucial in order to bang out articles. Despite being tired, I’ve been walking 5–6 miles daily, and that’s helped with the focus.

If you’ve followed my updates, you know I do most my writing via spoken word into my phone and then transcribed. This has lead to a massively raw throat. I’m taking lots of throat drops and honey to help it, but it’s not getting much better… I’m also getting sick (started yesterday), so that’s an unfortunate wrench. But I’m thankful I didn’t start this process feeling sick.

I’ve gained +25 new followers, 20 email opt ins, and.6 new community members since I started this (and I haven’t even posted any of the content yet). So I’m happy with the results so far.

One day to go.



Gabriel Klingman
Gabriel Klingman

Written by Gabriel Klingman

Ops Manager for Capitalism.com. In March, I wrote 70k words in 7 days. Follow to learn the business of writing.

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