Writing 70k words in 7 days — Day 2 Update

12,123 words (not including this update)

Gabriel Klingman
2 min readMar 8, 2024

I found my secret weapon.

Day 2. 7 hours of writing. 6 articles. 12,123 words

So far my total word count is 22,444 words in two days.

70k words in 7 days — day 2 word count

I beat yesterdays by 1 hour, and I wrote 2k more words. How? By going on walks, and recording my article into my phone.

I have my topics already outlined, so I go on a walk, open my recorder, and speak my article into my phone.

I’m able to 3x my writing speed — from 1k words an hour while writing at my desk, to 3k while walking.

And knew I could write more while walking, but I didn’t realize it would 3x my writing. I never would have learned this if I didn’t attempt this ridiculous challenge.

My focus is starting to wane and I’m pretty brain dead.

I did notice that as the day went on, I started to write more “forcefully”, using stronger lanuguage. I’m guessing this is a sign that I’m extra tired and my filters are coming down. Each piece I write is an article that will end up on medium after some editing, so I’m intrigued to see how people respond to this style vs. my usual style.

We’ll see in a few weeks once I start posting them.

Click follow if you want to follow along on this journey.




Gabriel Klingman
Gabriel Klingman

Written by Gabriel Klingman

Ops Manager for Capitalism.com. In March, I wrote 70k words in 7 days. Follow to learn the business of writing.

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