No I Wrote 70k words in 7 days — Day 7 Update

70,336 words written in 7 days

Gabriel Klingman
3 min readMar 13, 2024

5,734 words written today. 3 hours written. 6 articles. 70,336 words total.

words written in the last 7 days

I reflect on this, I’m honestly really glad it’s over. I miss spending my evenings with my fiancé. that being said, I’m really glad I did it! That was fun (and exhausting) as hell, and I learned a lot! Such as…

  1. I tend to balloon topics. I need to focus on being more specific in order to add more value.
  2. I have been writing the article before the headline — this is backwards.
  3. Writing the headline first gives clarity to the topic and makes written easier.
  4. I can physically write 1,000 words an hour. I can Speak (and then transcribe) 3,000–4,000.
  5. After speaking 3,000–4000 words per hour for 7 days, my voice is gone and my throat is killing me. Note to self — figure out a solution to this problem.
  6. Writing isn’t the hard part. Coming up with the topic isn’t the hard part. The hard part is coming up with the frame (what you want to article to convey), the headline (where you want the story to go), and the outline (how you want the article to get there).
  7. USE CONTENT TEMPLATES. This will make writing SO MUCH EASIER. My favorite is the New Opportunity Template (I created this one myself — let me know in the comments if you want it and I’ll share it.
  8. Because I outlined most of my topics, there wasn’t a lot of in-depth thought that interrupted my writing — but I was still brain dead at the end of every day.
  9. I did this while working my day job, so because I was “on” for so long each day, I struggled (and failed) to turn “off” at night. I tried meditating, reading, NyQuil, melatonin, and nothing helped. The only thing that helped is what I tried on Day 6, which was a shot of whiskey with a ginger shot.
  10. I had NO IDEA how I would do this (I had never written more then a thousand or two words in a day before). So I was honestly really nervous starting this. But I was able to figure it out. EVERYTHING is figure-out-able. Everything.

Thanks for hanging with me on this journey!

If you want some of the content templates I used, to see more lessons from this journey, or to get feedback from other serious writers, click here to join the Writerpreneur community on Heartbeat. This is for serious non-fiction writers who want to improve their craft and learn the business of writing.

This will be a paid group in the future, but as it’s in its early stages, I’m giving away free Lifetime access to anyone who joins through this link — click here. I’ll see you inside.



Gabriel Klingman

Ops Manager for In March, I wrote 70k words in 7 days. Follow to learn the business of writing.